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Banties More Mary Carls Story

Gina, thanks for sending the chicken coop directions. My husband will need to get right on this project. We will need to house the chukars for a while. I think we will be releasing them when they are old enough and hope that they stick around. At this moment we have 3 large cardboard boxes set up in our computer room, which is neat since we spend a lot of time in here.

We wanted to add to the 5 banties we have had for the last couple of years. Don't know if the old gals will accept the young'ns. We had the good fortune that the week old chicks accepted the new hatched babies that we got a week later. Almost lost one little guy. He was cold, but he seems to be holding his own at this time. I believe he and the rest of his batch will be a week old tomorrow.

Then we got carried away and added 6 pheasants. These are not supposed to be released into the wild. We were told that they need to be kept in separate cages because they fight. Don't think I like that idea.

We are going to need to get a little bit more educated on our new fowls. They are all warm and eating a high protein starter feed, grit,fresh water, etc.

Again we thank you,
Mary & Carl

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